Project management

Project management

Effective project management is the cornerstone of modern engineering. Successful management is carried out within time constraints and within financial budgets. Project management is a more comprehensive approach to project supervision that extends to quality, cost, and time management. MCE management relies on the latest project management techniques with a clear goal to achieve the goals of the project owners which are: reduce cost and improve quality while performing tasks on time


Implementing projects within quality control for the duration of the contract. And the efficiency of projects in the field of supervision and implementation
Coordination between the contractor and the project owner
Developing recommendations for the stages of implementing the general plan for projects and approving and following up the implementation in accordance with the policy. To the owner
Actively contributing to overcoming difficulties in project completion or contributing to reducing their quality
Raising the efficiency of investing the available human and material resources for current and future projects
Attracting distinguished experts in the field of supervision and implementation, and benefiting from their presence in the localization of specialized knowledge related to projects.
Building an entity capable of serving the municipality and municipalities in administration and supervision .